Botswana, De Beers Seal New Diamond Sales Agreement
Tsaone Segaetsho The Government of the Republic of Botswana (GRB) and De Beers Group on Monday announced that they have...
Tsaone Segaetsho The Government of the Republic of Botswana (GRB) and De Beers Group on Monday announced that they have...
• Tsaone SegeatshoThe Office of the President on Thursday welcomed Al Cook and Duncan Wanblad, the heads of De Beers...
Tsaone Segaetsho Local mining experts are already observing that President Duma Boko faces a substantial task in mending relations with...
Tsaone Segaetsho Expert analysis gathered by this publication portrays De Beers as aiming to amplify its marketing efforts towards the...
Tsaone Segaetsho No one has ever examined the ethics behind the production of lab-grown diamonds, which is in contrast to...
Tsaone Segaetsho In an economy driven by mining, particularly diamond revenue, the industry has always had an impact on carbon...
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